Địa điểm

Goong Place API thực hiện:

  • Trả về dự đoán theo từ khóa tìm kiếm
  • Trả về chi tiết của một địa điểm theo place_id

Địa điểm Tìm kiếm theo từ khóa với tính năng autocomplete

URL: /Place/AutoComplete

Method: GET

Tham số Mô tả Ví dụ
input Your search keyword (Required) ho hoan kiem
location Coordinates for location biased search 20.981971,105.864323
limit Limit number of results. Defaults to 10 20
radius Limits Search to a radius from specified location (in km). Defaults to 50 2000
sessiontoken Your generated token to group multiple Autocomplete requests in 1 session. We recommend using a version 4 UUID for session tokens. (Optional) a68dfa01-a5aa-47d1-aaa7-a3184896b283
more_compound Boolean. If true, autocomplete returns fields like district, commune, province. Defaults to false. true

Ví dụ về request

  $ curl "https://rsapi.goong.io/Place/AutoComplete?api_key={YOUR_API_KEY}&location=21.013715429594125,%20105.79829597455202&input=91%20Trung%20Kinh"  

Phản hồi


  "predictions": [
      "description": "91 Trung Kính, Trung Hòa, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội",
      "matched_substrings": [],
      "place_id": "Hobn8WqBW6rsKtKq2PDrVKp4BJNRtiILxTQbB__muXgRB3v8GRDTfkp_6lc4cbLw/5PUgWrMDrSI/xlqDBt5XA==.ZXhwYW5kMA==",
      "reference": "o/QzXNc_eBKsOWX6kdbOcABtO4zUQz0lzdK1jpi0R__J2vFKeRAM2VSYo38AfaShP/7qpUhrwc0l/t/AIYwRnQ==.ZXhwYW5kMA==",
      "structured_formatting": {
        "main_text": "91 Trung Kính",
        "secondary_text": "Trung Hòa, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội"
      "terms": [],
      "has_children": false,
      "display_type": "expand0",
      "score": 633.7587,
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      "has_children": false,
      "display_type": "expand0",
      "score": 597.5509,
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      "structured_formatting": {
        "main_text": "95 Trung Kính",
        "secondary_text": "Trung Hòa, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội"
      "terms": [],
      "has_children": false,
      "display_type": "expand0",
      "score": 358.45456,
      "plus_code": {
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      "description": "93 Trung Kính, Trung Hòa, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội",
      "matched_substrings": [],
      "place_id": "xFchTd18UNmq7/rWipBrI6LtqEcDdReZ8cGV3mxeK4yxmmL7hZat/i8cLBdGhdaeNYFQLk4H5AuP2ntIHfS7EQ==.ZXhwYW5kMA==",
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      "score": 358.1594,
      "plus_code": {
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      "place_id": "OTzyxbl3DUoqV90GZW8D_2FCVMaEizDWVmAhzTc2d8KmYL/h2cPpfE97BmSabHzliRz3GSgjXWVRxI0bZMxqew==.ZXhwYW5kMA==",
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      "structured_formatting": {
        "main_text": "89 Trung Kính",
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      "score": 358.14783,
      "plus_code": {
        "compound_code": "+6DW1E Trung Hòa, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội",
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  "executed_time": 61,
  "executed_time_all": 63,
  "status": "OK"

Nhận chi tiết địa điểm theo Id

URL: /Place/Detail

Method: GET

Tham số Mô tả Ví dụ
place_id The id of place 0WmA4vbeody2J9AEvVM9YE3ZN85z7Mrw
sessiontoken Session token a68dfa01-a5aa-47d1-aaa7-a3184896b283

Ví dụ về request

  $curl "https://rsapi.goong.io/Place/Detail?place_id=Hobn8WqBW6rsKtKq2PDrVKp4BJNRtiILxTQbB__muXgRB3v8GRDTfkp_6lc4cbLw%2F5PUgWrMDrSI%2FxlqDBt5XA%3D%3D.ZXhwYW5kMA%3D%3D&api_key={YOUR_API_KEY}"

Phản hồi


  "result": {
    "place_id": "Hobn8WqBW6rsKtKq2PDrVKp4BJNRtiILxTQbB__muXgRB3v8GRDTfkp_6lc4cbLw/5PUgWrMDrSI/xlqDBt5XA==.ZXhwYW5kMA==",
    "formatted_address": "Phường Trung Hòa, Quận Cầu Giấy, Thành phố Hà Nội",
    "geometry": {
      "location": {
        "lat": 21.0137625240001,
        "lng": 105.798267363
    "name": "91 Trung Kính"
  "status": "OK"