
The different types of events that Goong GL JS can raise.

You can also find additional event documentation for: Map, Marker, Popup, and GeolocationControl.


Methods mixed in to other classes for event capabilities.

Instance Members

Removes a previously registered event listener.


type (string)The event type to remove listeners for.

listener (Function)The listener function to remove.



Adds a listener to a specified event type.


type (string)The event type to add a listen for.

listener (Function)The function to be called when the event is fired. The listener function is called with the data object passed to fire , extended with target and type properties.



Adds a listener that will be called only once to a specified event type.

The listener will be called first time the event fires after the listener is registered.


type (string)The event type to listen for.

listener (Function)The function to be called when the event is fired the first time.




MapMouseEvent is the event type for mouse-related map events.

Extends Object.

Instance Members

true if preventDefault has been called.



The geographic location on the map of the mouse cursor.

The DOM event which caused the map event.

The pixel coordinates of the mouse cursor, relative to the map and measured from the top left corner.

Prevents subsequent default processing of the event by the map.

Calling this method will prevent the following default map behaviors:

The Map object that fired the event.

The event type.


MapTouchEvent is the event type for touch-related map events.

Extends Object.

Instance Members

true if preventDefault has been called.



The geographic location on the map of the center of the touch event points.

The geographical locations on the map corresponding to a touch event's touches property.

The DOM event which caused the map event.

The pixel coordinates of the center of the touch event points, relative to the map and measured from the top left corner.

The array of pixel coordinates corresponding to a touch event's touches property.

Prevents subsequent default processing of the event by the map.

Calling this method will prevent the following default map behaviors:

The Map object that fired the event.

The event type.


A MapBoxZoomEvent is the event type for boxzoom-related map events. originalEvent can be a Map.event:click when the zoom is triggered by a UI event.


originalEvent (MouseEvent)


A MapDataEvent object is emitted with the Map.event:data and Map.event:dataloading events. Possible values for dataTypes are:

  • 'source': The non-tile data associated with any source
  • 'style': The style used by the map


type (string): The event type.

dataType (string): The type of data that has changed. One of 'source' , 'style'.

isSourceLoaded (boolean?): True if the event has a dataType of source and the source has no outstanding network requests.

source (Object?): The style spec representation of the source if the event has a dataType of source .

sourceDataType (string?): Included if the event has a dataType of source and the event signals that internal data has been received or changed. Possible values are metadata and content.

tile (Object?): The tile being loaded or changed, if the event has a dataType of source and the event is related to loading of a tile.

coord (Coordinate?): The coordinate of the tile if the event has a dataType of source and the event is related to loading of a tile.


MapWheelEvent is the event type for the wheel map event.

Extends Object.

Instance Members

true if preventDefault has been called.



The DOM event which caused the map event.

Prevents subsequent default processing of the event by the map.

Calling this method will prevent the the behavior of ScrollZoomHandler.

The Map object that fired the event.

The event type.